Reporting health data by ethnicity
While sex-disaggregated data on health provide insights on how women and men are impacted, it is also missing other pieces,…
Harmonizing data collection standards for maternal health services
Before measuring the quality of care for women and newborns, it is important to understand what existing surveys and tools…
Using Performance Monitoring and Accountability surveys to monitor reproductive health
Civil society groups play an important role in providing data on family planning. Led by Family Planning 2020, the Performance…
Integrating verbal autopsies into CRVS
Less than a third of deaths are assigned without a cause, and low-income countries have the most gaps in cause-of-death-data….
Using sex- and age-disaggregated data in humanitarian response
Humanitarian aid remains largely driven by anecdote rather than by evidence, where the contemporary humanitarian system has significant gaps in…
How crime and helpline data show the impact of COVID-19 in reported gender-based violence
To understand the severity of gender-based violence (GBV) during the COVID-19 pandemic, crime and helpline data can provide insights in…
Conducting education surveys to understand students’ schooling decisions
Existing education indicators mainly focus on the student body, participation in schools, student outcomes, teachers, and school facilities. While these…
Using the Living Standard Measurement Survey-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture to produce gender-relevant data on agriculture
To understand the role of women in the agricultural sector, household surveys can be adapted to incorporate modules relevant to…
Utilizing a gender-inclusive assessment for disaster risk management
In times of natural disasters, rapid assessments are crucial in understanding the needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of women and men….
Using CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis for emergencies
In any disaster scenario, CARE’s Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) identifies and meets the needs and capacities of women and men,…
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