Developing rapid assessments on multidimensional poverty
To understand how economic recovery is progressing and translating into outcomes for people, and if, how and for whom pandemic…
Undertaking hybrid censuses
For countries that do not have the capacity to conduct full censuses, a hybrid census could be an alternative. In…
Using hotlines to collect data on COVID-19
COVID-19 put a spotlight on the need to prepare for pandemics. Ending Pandemics has long been partnering with communities and…
Facilitating data sharing for pandemic preparedness
Countries are seeking ways to better prepare for future pandemics. In the United States, the White House Pandemic Preparedness Plan…
Monitoring development programs during COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant barriers in data collection, especially in understanding women’s economic empowerment. In Zambia, the Supporting…
Using gender to measure acute coronary syndrome
To measure gender and its association with risk factors in patients with premature acute coronary syndrome, researchers at McGill University…
Supporting women data journalists
Data journalists play an important role in publishing and messaging data-driven stories and current events. Equal Measures 2030 and Tableau…
Using open data to understand femicides
Civil society organizations can play the role as a “watchdog” in assessing the quality of gender-based violence data– including data…
Developing a specialized survey on femicides
When countries lack the capacity to utilize traditional survey data collections, civil society groups can take the lead on developing…
Harmonizing data collection standards for maternal health services
Before measuring the quality of care for women and newborns, it is important to understand what existing surveys and tools…
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