Reviewing existing methods that measure women’s and girl’s economic empowerment
Development programs on women and girls’ economic empowerment should be reviewed in order to identify shortfalls. This academic journal presents…
Collecting data on gender-responsive budgeting
The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data is central to Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) initiatives, which often involve an analysis of…
Developing a gender-sensitive measurement of multidimensional poverty
Data on poverty often have a gender data gap– oftentimes, data on poverty is typically measured at the household level…
Funding the Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence project
Bilateral donors play a major role in financing for gender data. Between 2015 and 2024 UKAID is providing £25,872,750 in…
Working group on improving household surveys including how to improve gender inclusiveness
Expert groups play a unique role in improving the quality and scope of official statistics. Developed by the UN Statistical…
Collecting data on homicides and assaults from news reporting
There is increasing concern among researchers about collecting data on sex and gender variables, yet many researchers are unsure of…
Creating a gender-equitable school index to understand pass rates of girls
Higher schooling attainment for girls is associated with improved maternal and child health outcomes. In LMICs, girls drop out of…
Providing financial support to surveys on gender-based violence
Donors play an important role in filling the gender data gap on violence. In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates…
Developing and using the Laws on Violence against Women and Girls Index
To understand the severity of gender-based violence across the world, global indexes can provide such information from a comparative analysis….
Using gender to measure acute coronary syndrome
To measure gender and its association with risk factors in patients with premature acute coronary syndrome, researchers at McGill University…
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