Building Responsive Investments in Data for Gender Equality (BRIDGE) Tool (Updated December 2024)
Data2X and Open Data Watch have developed the Building Responsive Investments in Data for Gender Equality (BRIDGE) tool for countries to assess…
Gender Data Dashboards Can Help Drive Women’s Financial Inclusion
Globally, there is a persistent gender gap in financial inclusion. Having good data is critical in driving women’s financial inclusion….
A Sharp Decline in Funding for Gender Data Puts SDG 5 at Risk: Charting a Way Forward
Achieving the gender equality ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires strong gender data systems to measure and implement…
Making Adolescent Girls Visible Through Gender Data
When adolescent girls are excluded in data collection, it’s impossible to see the whole picture. Today is the 10th Anniversary…
Lack of data on ICT access, skills, and leadership risks holding back gender equality in Africa
This blog was cross posted from the EQUALS Global Partnership. Only 33 percent of people living in Africa used the…
Strengthening Gender Measures and Data in the COVID-19 Era: An Urgent Need for Change
COVID-19 may be gender blind, but it is not gender-neutral. Emerging evidence shows tremendous gender disparities in the health and…
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Toolkit for Training Data Users to Use Gender Statistics
This toolkit is designed to increase the use of gender statistics.
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), Gender Equality in Agriculture
This video series explores gender statistics in agriculture.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Partners Training Videos on Gender Statistics
These UNECE videos provide training on different gender statistics topics.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Making Data Count for All: Good Practices in Integrative Gender in National Statistical Systems (2017)
This UNESCAP toolkit presents good practices for integrating gender in statistics, with a focus on the broader institutional environment.
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