In 1995, at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, world leaders made ground-breaking commitments to advance women’s rights through the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action—one of the most progressive roadmaps for gender equality to date.
25 years later, the fight for gender equality is far from over. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Beijing and stimulate renewed action and progress on gender equality, the Generation Equality Forum launched six thematic Action Coalitions designed to “advance new partnerships, implement targeted solutions, and report annually on progress towards collectively envisaged change” between 2021–2026.

Quality gender data is fundamental across each Action Coalition and it must underscore Generation Equality efforts to catalyze progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, deliver results, and ultimately improve the lives of women and girls.
In this brief series, Data2X is calling on Action Coalition leaders to:
- Use gender data to inform blueprints and concrete actions;
- Develop a gender data plan to help deliver on that blueprint;
- Demand investment to close gender data gaps that will impede progress.
Read the six Action Coalition briefs:
- Gender-Based Violence
- Economic Justice and Rights
- Bodily Autonomy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
- Feminist Action for Climate Justice
- Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality
- Feminist Movements and Leadership
- Violencia de género
- Justicia y derechos económicos
- Autonomía sobre el cuerpo, derechos y salud sexual y reproductiva
- Acción feminista para la justicia climática
- Tecnología e innovación para la igualdad de género
- Movimientos y liderazgos feministas
- La violence basée sur le genre
- La justice économique et les droits économiques
- Le droit à disposer de son corps et la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs
- L’action des femmes en faveur de la justice climatique
- Les technologies et l’innovation au service de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes
- Les mouvements et le leadership féministes