Using surveys to measure women and men’s work
Comparing surveys that measure women’s and men’s work allow statisticians and development practitioners in identifying discrepancies on data collection. Measuring…
The role of multi-stakeholder partnerships in measuring women’s work and employment
Multi-stakeholder partnerships play an important role in facilitating dialogue and data collaboratives. The Women’s Work and Employment Partnership (WWEP) is…
Undertaking hybrid censuses
For countries that do not have the capacity to conduct full censuses, a hybrid census could be an alternative. In…
Providing financial support to surveys on gender-based violence
Donors play an important role in filling the gender data gap on violence. In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates…
Using basic tools to enhance data usability and literacy
Data literacy and analysis tools should be inclusive so that no one is left behind. DataBasic developed analysis tools to…
Supporting women data journalists
Data journalists play an important role in publishing and messaging data-driven stories and current events. Equal Measures 2030 and Tableau…
Using the Living Standard Measurement Survey-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture to produce gender-relevant data on agriculture
To understand the role of women in the agricultural sector, household surveys can be adapted to incorporate modules relevant to…
Providing gender-relevant data during crises
There is a gender data gap in understanding how men and women are impacted in humanitarian settings. A study from…
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