Incorporating women enumerators in phone surveys
To understand gendered impacts of COVID-19 in food security and household decision-making, it is important to train women enumerators in…
Undertaking hybrid censuses
For countries that do not have the capacity to conduct full censuses, a hybrid census could be an alternative. In…
Collaborating with CARE International’s Women Respond Initiative
Civil society groups play an important role in building back better after the COVID-19 pandemic. CARE’s Women Respond is a…
Understanding the availability of gender-related financial and programmatic data
Without accurate information on who is providing such aid, to whom, and for what, it is difficult to understand the…
Adopting the Inclusive Data Charter
Global charters with the emphasis on improving data can incentivize governments, NGOs, philanthropists and businesses in improving the quality of…
Reviewing existing methods that measure women’s and girl’s economic empowerment
Development programs on women and girls’ economic empowerment should be reviewed in order to identify shortfalls. This academic journal presents…
Developing a gender-sensitive measurement of multidimensional poverty
Data on poverty often have a gender data gap– oftentimes, data on poverty is typically measured at the household level…
Funding the Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence project
Bilateral donors play a major role in financing for gender data. Between 2015 and 2024 UKAID is providing £25,872,750 in…
Collecting and using citizen generated data for gender-relevant SDG indicators
Civil society groups play an important role in monitoring the SDGs. Developed by UN Women, the Methodological Guidelines on using…
Using a toolkit on gender-sensitive conflict analysis during peacebuilding
Gender should be taken into consideration in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Saferworld’s Facilitation Guide for Gender-sensitive Conflict Analysis (GSCA) can…
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