The role of collaboratives in collecting data on women’s agency
An initiative launched by the World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) and Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) teams, the…
Measuring women’s and girl’s empowerment through impact evaluations
Intended to be used by monitoring and evaluation practitioners, researchers and students, J-Pal developed a Practical Guide to Measuring Women’s…
Referring to a compendium of tools that measure women’s economic empowerment
To understand existing tools that measure women’s economic empowerment, Data2X and the Center for Global Development published a compendium of…
Using the Gender Climate Tracker
To understand the nexus of gender and climate, the Gender Climate Tracker App gives experts, practitioners, decision-makers, citizens, advocacy groups…
Developing quantitative measures to understand gender outcomes associated with WASH
To assist practitioners and researchers in assessing changes in gender outcomes associated with water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs for…
Developing rapid assessments on multidimensional poverty
To understand how economic recovery is progressing and translating into outcomes for people, and if, how and for whom pandemic…
Using surveys to measure women and men’s work
Comparing surveys that measure women’s and men’s work allow statisticians and development practitioners in identifying discrepancies on data collection. Measuring…
Using IOM’s Gender and Migration Data Guide
To guide policymakers, national statistical offices, and development practitioners on the importance of gender-responsiveness from data collection to dissemination of…
Collecting data on gender-responsive budgeting
The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data is central to Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) initiatives, which often involve an analysis of…
Using hotlines to collect data on COVID-19
COVID-19 put a spotlight on the need to prepare for pandemics. Ending Pandemics has long been partnering with communities and…
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