Developing a rapid gender analysis tool in post-disaster settings
Rapid gender analysis provides important information on how women and men are impacted, along with their roles in the household….
Using gridded population datasets for a more inclusive COVID-19 response
Beyond the traditional, tabulated format of data, gridded population represent the distribution of population in rows and columns of grid…
Including the Washington Group on Disability Statistics questionnaires in surveys
Beyond sex-disaggregated data, it is crucial to collect data by disability status so researchers, practitioners, and policymakers can understand and…
Using electronic immunization registry data
Centralized and digitized data on immunization paves the way for greater timeliness of data collection on immunization rates and it…
Closing the CRVS coverage gap by including marriages and divorce
Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) cover data across major moments in time: births, deaths, marriages, divorces. Major initiatives across…
Using sex- and age-disaggregated data in humanitarian response
Humanitarian aid remains largely driven by anecdote rather than by evidence, where the contemporary humanitarian system has significant gaps in…
Using Performance Monitoring and Accountability surveys to monitor reproductive health
Civil society groups play an important role in providing data on family planning. Led by Family Planning 2020, the Performance…
Using the Gender-Age Marker tool during project design and monitoring
Having high-quality and disaggregated data are important for monitoring and evaluating outcomes in development programs. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s Gender-Age…
Developing a gender analysis tool for disaster settings
To understand the various needs and capacities of disaster-affected populations based on their gender, a mixed methods approach to a…
Using Facebookâs Disaster Maps to understand how men and women are displaced differently
Big data can fill the gap in understanding how populations are affected after a natural disaster. As part of its…
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