Using Social Media Data to Protect Women’s Political Participation in Zimbabwe
It is estimated that over seventy percent of women have been exposed to or experienced online violence and harassment. Online…
Better Data for a Better World
Governments need reliable, accurate, and complete data about every community so we can adapt to their needs in real-time. To…
Boundless Potential
Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems record important life events such as births, marriages, divorces, and deaths. Strong CRVS…
World Population and Housing Census Database
This database shows census results – a key source of gender data.
Leaving No One Behind: CRVS, Gender, and the SDGs
This knowledge brief explores why CRVS systems matter (more) for women.
The Gender Dimensions of Birth Registration in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can the Data Tell Us?
This report explores how gaps in birth registration interact with gender.
Gendered Dimensions of Marriage and Divorce Registration Laws in Africa
This report analyzes gendered gaps in marriage and divorce registration in Africa.
Gender Issues in CRVS and Access to Adult Identity Documentation
This report explores the benefits of identity documentation for women.
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