How To Build a Data Cooperative: A Practitioner’s Handbook
Data Cooperatives are a group of individuals or organizations that pool their data for mutual benefit. They serve many purposes,…
Building Responsive Investments in Data for Gender Equality (BRIDGE) Tool (Updated December 2024)
Data2X and Open Data Watch have developed the Building Responsive Investments in Data for Gender Equality (BRIDGE) tool for countries to assess…
The Gender Data Playbook for Women’s Financial Inclusion
A step-by-step guide for financial ecosystem stakeholders on how to boost the systematic collection of high-quality, supply-side, sex-disaggregated financial data…
Women’s Financial Inclusion Data Dictionary
Achieving a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and emergent solutions to financial inclusion rests not only on the availability of…
UNECE and the World Bank Institute, Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool (2010)
This manual guides the production and use of gender statistics.
UNSD’s Gender Statistics Manual: Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics (2013)
This manual adds a gender perspective to national statistics.
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Guidelines to Producing Statistics on Violence Against Women (2014)
This manual helps countries assess the scope of violence against women.
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) Evidence and Data for Gender Equality Initiative (EDGE)
This manual aims to better integrate gender into official statistics.
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