Most of the data that is needed to track progress against the SDGs and evaluate whether policies have improved the lives of women and girls is produced by countries through National Statistical Systems. But capacity to produce quality, gender-relevant data needs to be strengthened.
To help build in-country capacity, in partnership with the African Center for Statistics, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, and Open Data Watch, we have formed a Gender Data Network. This Network brings together key gender data actors from National Statistical Systems in 15 countries across sub-Saharan Africa to share innovative solutions to overcome common barriers for producing and using high quality gender data.
Especially because gender statistics has often been a ‘niche’ role, and under-resourced, we have found that it is helpful for gender data experts to have access to a broader network of people who share their approach. The first in-person meeting of the Gender Data Network took place in November 2019. Learn more about this meeting.