Using OpenEMIS to collect data on schools
The digitization of education management information systems (EMIS) is costly when taking account of the cost of computers, internet connectivity,…
Using open source platforms to collect and visualize data on health systems
The digitization of health management information systems (HMIS) is costly when taking account of the cost of computers, internet connectivity,…
Using Facebook’s Gender Equality at Home data
With its wide reach, social media can complement surveys in understanding household dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Facebook’s Gender Equality…
Collaborating with CARE International’s Women Respond Initiative
Civil society groups play an important role in building back better after the COVID-19 pandemic. CARE’s Women Respond is a…
Adopting the Inclusive Data Charter
Global charters with the emphasis on improving data can incentivize governments, NGOs, philanthropists and businesses in improving the quality of…
Using existing toolkits to implement gender equality
To ensure gender responsiveness in policymaking, the OECD Policy Implementation Toolkit on Gender in Governance focuses on strengthening governance and…
Using tools to facilitate data-policy dialogue
Data are critical in monitoring progress and outcomes towards policy. The UN Economic and Social Commission of Asia and the…
Developing a gender-sensitive measurement of multidimensional poverty
Data on poverty often have a gender data gap– oftentimes, data on poverty is typically measured at the household level…
E-learning course on communicating gender statistics
Statisticians and data journalists play an important role in publishing and messaging data-driven stories and current events. PARIS21 Academy launched…
Working group on improving household surveys including how to improve gender inclusiveness
Expert groups play a unique role in improving the quality and scope of official statistics. Developed by the UN Statistical…
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