Using the EMERGE platform for gender data in health, politics, and economics
Academia plays a role in developing open-source platforms focused on gender equality. Developed by the Center on Gender Equity and…
Referring to a compendium of tools that measure women’s economic empowerment
To understand existing tools that measure women’s economic empowerment, Data2X and the Center for Global Development published a compendium of…
Measuring women’s and girl’s empowerment through impact evaluations
Intended to be used by monitoring and evaluation practitioners, researchers and students, J-Pal developed a Practical Guide to Measuring Women’s…
Assessing gender data and statistical capacity gaps
To address gender gaps in official statistics, UN Women and PARIS21 developed a tool for Assessing Data and Statistical Capacity…
Using household surveys to collect data on economic opportunities
To enhance the availability and quality of data collected in low- and middle-income countries on key dimensions of men’s and…
Improving gender data through the Living Standards Measurement Study program
In a follow-up to the LSMS+ Program, the Strengthening Gender Statistics project aims to improve the availability, quality, and use…
Using guides to collect household expenditure on education
To understand the household expenditures, the Measuring Household Expenditure on Education: A Guidebook for Designing Household Survey Questionnaires can guide…
Using the Gender Climate Tracker
To understand the nexus of gender and climate, the Gender Climate Tracker App gives experts, practitioners, decision-makers, citizens, advocacy groups…
Funding the Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence project
Bilateral donors play a major role in financing for gender data. Between 2015 and 2024 UKAID is providing £25,872,750 in…
Training female enumerators on gender-sensitive surveys or survey modules
Household surveys such as the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) collect sensitive information…
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