Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment: Overview
This report highlights principal ideas around subjective economic empowerment measures for working women.
In the Mind, the Household, or the Market? Concept and Measurement of Women’s Economic Empowerment
This report explores different measures of women’s economic empowerment.
Population Council Lessons on Increasing and Measuring Girls’ Economic Empowerment
Achieving girls’ economic empowerment means taking into account girls’ social and health realities so they can make healthy transitions to…
Subjective Measures of Women’s Economic Empowerment
Most initiatives that are collecting data focus on objective measures of women’s economic empowerment (such as productivity, loan amounts, and…
Measuring Subjective Dimensions of Empowerment Among Extremely and Moderately Poor Women in Columbia, Peru, and Uruguay: Lessons from the Field
This report assesses the economic empowerment of low-income women in Colombia and Peru.
Measuring subjective economic empowerment
This report argues for expanding measures of empowerment to include measures of well-being and control over time.
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