The Data Value Chain: Moving from Production to Impact
This report offers an in depth exploration of the data life cycle.
Data2X Facebook Live Interview with Experian Data Lab
This video talks about the current momentum around gender data.
Her Majesty Queen Rania Discusses Gender Data at “We The Future”
This video describes why gender data is critical to SDG progress.
Closing the gender data gap
This article explores consequences of the gender data gap for women and girls.
Closing the Gender Data Gap: A Conversation with Emily Courey Pryor of Data2X
This podcast explains how data collection can exclude women and girls.
Why I’m Going to Cape Town (1st World Data Forum)
This video explains why Data2X engages in the UN World Data Forum.
Data for Adolescent Girls: Working Brief
This knowledge brief outlines key instruments and issues surrounding data on adolescent girls.
Women Deliver +Social Good: Interview with Emily Courey Pryor
This video explains the current gender data landscape and why we need more data on women and girls.
Without Data Equality There is No Gender Equality
This video explains why we need complete data to make good decisions.
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