Our Team

We’re passionate about the power of gender data to improve lives. Get to know our team!

Meet the Data2X Team

Meet Mayra

Mayra Buvinic

Senior Data2X Fellow
Headshot of Neeraja Penumetcha, Director of Programs and Operations, Data2X Meet Neeraja

Neeraja Penumetcha

Associate Director of Programs and Operations
Headshot of Natalie Cleveland, Policy and Advocacy Manager, Data2X Meet Natalie

Natalie Cleveland

Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager
Lauren Pan, Manager of Grants and Finance Meet Lauren

Lauren Pan

Manager of Grants and Finance
Kelsey Ross, Senior Associate for Programs Meet Kelsey

Kelsey Ross

Senior Associate for Programs
Meet Greg

Greg Maly

Data Science Advisor

Meet our Advisory Board

Data2X benefits from the guidance of an Advisory Board of gender data and
development experts who provide strategic input into our vision and mission.

  • Elizabeth Cousens, Board Chair

    President and CEO

    UN Foundation

  • Caren Grown

    Senior Fellow, Center for Sustainable Development

    Brookings Institution

  • Sarah Iqbal

    Program Officer, Gender Equity and Governance

    William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

  • Johannes Jütting

    Executive Head

    PARIS21, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

  • Seema Jalan

    Deputy Director, Gender Equality Policy, Advocacy and Communications

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Francesca Perucci

    Director of Policy and Partnerships

    Open Data Watch

  • Papa Seck

    Chief Statistician

    UN Women

Meet our Partners

Since our inception, Data2X has worked in close partnership with institutions that are
committed to improving gender data. Our work would not be possible without them.

  • Alliance for Financial Inclusion

  • Africa Programme for Accelerated Improvement of CRVS

  • African Center for Statistics, UN Economic Commission for Africa

  • African Development Bank

  • BNY Mellon

  • Brown University

  • Cadi Ayyad University

  • Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems

  • CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets

  • Dalberg Data Insights

  • Data-Pop Alliance

  • Devex

  • Drake University

  • Digital Impact Alliance

  • Equal Measures 2030

  • Flowminder Foundation

  • Food and Agriculture Organization

  • Global Banking Alliance for Women

  • Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

  • GovLab, New York University

  • GSMA

  • IDB Invest

  • Inter-American Development Bank

  • Inter-American Investment Corporation

  • International Development Research Centre

  • International Finance Corporation

  • International Food Policy Research Institute

  • International Labour Organization

  • International Monetary Fund

  • Joint IDP Profiling Service

  • Millennium Challenge Corporation

  • Open Data Watch

  • Overseas Development Institute

  • PARIS21

  • Princeton University

  • Qatar Computing Research Institute

  • Telefónica R&D Center

  • UC Berkeley

  • Ulula

  • UN Economic Commission for Africa

  • UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

  • UN Global Pulse

  • University of Oxford

  • UN Statistical Division

  • UN Women

  • Women’s World Banking

  • World Bank

  • World Wide Web Foundation

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