On March 24, we were delighted to welcome over 300 guests and four panelists for a webinar to launch our new report, “Mapping Gender Data Gaps: An SDG Era Update.”

Speakers discussed methodologies used to identify gender data gaps across six key areas (economic opportunities, education, environment, health, human security, and public participation); reflected on areas where progress has been made in closing gender data gaps and; dug deeper into areas where progress has been stagnant and new gaps have emerged.
This webinar featured the following speakers:
- Kathleen G. Beegle, Lead Economist, Gender, The World Bank
- Mayra Buvinic, Senior Fellow, Data2X
- Emily Courey Pryor, Executive Director, Data2X
- Molly Gilligan, Gender and Environment Specialist (Former Consultant for the IUCN)
- Kate Grantham, International Development Researcher and Consultant