Understanding the availability of gender-related financial and programmatic data
Without accurate information on who is providing such aid, to whom, and for what, it is difficult to understand the…
Collecting data on gender-responsive budgeting
The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data is central to Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) initiatives, which often involve an analysis of…
Funding the Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence project
Bilateral donors play a major role in financing for gender data. Between 2015 and 2024 UKAID is providing £25,872,750 in…
Using the Gender Data Channel to understand funding flows for gender data
Understanding country needs, availability of resources and gaps of funding in support towards data and statistics require the development of…
Providing financial support to surveys on gender-based violence
Donors play an important role in filling the gender data gap on violence. In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates…
Reflections from a “data for development” project on the Colombia–Venezuela border that fights gender-based violence
Big data can fill the gap in gender-based violence in the context of migration. Designed by Ladysmith, Cosas de Mujeres…
Improving on femicide data collection across Europe
Closing the data gap on femicides and gender-based violence involves seeking innovations in both data production and data use. Existing…
Providing gender-relevant data during crises
There is a gender data gap in understanding how men and women are impacted in humanitarian settings. A study from…
Providing better gender-relevant data on mobile phone use
To understand the use of ICT from a gender lens, the GSMA provided a series of recommendations. Mobile operators should…
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