Using sex- and age-disaggregated data in humanitarian response
Humanitarian aid remains largely driven by anecdote rather than by evidence, where the contemporary humanitarian system has significant gaps in…
Utilizing a gender-inclusive assessment for disaster risk management
In times of natural disasters, rapid assessments are crucial in understanding the needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of women and men….
Developing a gender analysis tool for disaster settings
To understand the various needs and capacities of disaster-affected populations based on their gender, a mixed methods approach to a…
Using Facebook’s Disaster Maps to understand how men and women are displaced differently
Big data can fill the gap in understanding how populations are affected after a natural disaster. As part of its…
Providing gender-relevant data during crises
There is a gender data gap in understanding how men and women are impacted in humanitarian settings. A study from…
Using the Gender-Age Marker tool during project design and monitoring
Having high-quality and disaggregated data are important for monitoring and evaluating outcomes in development programs. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s Gender-Age…
Using the Data Playbook to improve data literacy
To support decision-making during disasters, data literacy is crucial for development and humanitarian practitioners. The International Federation of the Red…
Using the OpenDRI tool to track and measure climate data
Having open climate and disaster data are important for disaster risk management. The OpenDRI Index tracks and measures the availability…
E-learning course on the nexus of gender and the environment
Online courses can guide practitioners, students, and academics in understanding the nexus between gender and the environment. The GEF and…
Empowering women in agriculture for open data mapping
Open data on land and agriculture can provide insights on women’s land rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Unique…
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