Developing rapid assessments on multidimensional poverty
To understand how economic recovery is progressing and translating into outcomes for people, and if, how and for whom pandemic…
Referring to a compendium of tools that measure women’s economic empowerment
To understand existing tools that measure women’s economic empowerment, Data2X and the Center for Global Development published a compendium of…
Measuring women’s and girl’s empowerment through impact evaluations
Intended to be used by monitoring and evaluation practitioners, researchers and students, J-Pal developed a Practical Guide to Measuring Women’s…
Assessing gender data and statistical capacity gaps
To address gender gaps in official statistics, UN Women and PARIS21 developed a tool for Assessing Data and Statistical Capacity…
Understanding the availability of gender-related financial and programmatic data
Without accurate information on who is providing such aid, to whom, and for what, it is difficult to understand the…
Using existing toolkits to implement gender equality
To ensure gender responsiveness in policymaking, the OECD Policy Implementation Toolkit on Gender in Governance focuses on strengthening governance and…
Using tools to facilitate data-policy dialogue
Data are critical in monitoring progress and outcomes towards policy. The UN Economic and Social Commission of Asia and the…
Developing a gender-sensitive measurement of multidimensional poverty
Data on poverty often have a gender data gap– oftentimes, data on poverty is typically measured at the household level…
E-learning course on communicating gender statistics
Statisticians and data journalists play an important role in publishing and messaging data-driven stories and current events. PARIS21 Academy launched…
Using the Gender Data Channel to understand funding flows for gender data
Understanding country needs, availability of resources and gaps of funding in support towards data and statistics require the development of…
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