Creating a gender-equitable school index to understand pass rates of girls
Higher schooling attainment for girls is associated with improved maternal and child health outcomes. In LMICs, girls drop out of…
Providing financial support to surveys on gender-based violence
Donors play an important role in filling the gender data gap on violence. In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates…
Reflections from a “data for development” project on the Colombia–Venezuela border that fights gender-based violence
Big data can fill the gap in gender-based violence in the context of migration. Designed by Ladysmith, Cosas de Mujeres…
Improving data collection on violence against women in politics
Improving the collection and use of data on violence against women in politics (VAWP) will involve a concerted effort from…
Using verbal autopsies to monitor COVID-19 deaths
During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries with weak civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems faced greater obstacles in collecting cause-of-death…
Using verbal autopsies to collect data on child and maternal health
Verbal autopsies can be used to supplement health surveys or civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems in understanding childhood…
Linking national IDs and CRVS system with gender disaggregation
Birth certificates are a crucial source of document in obtaining a national identification, illustrating how civil registration and vital statistics…
Integrating “Meaningful Connectivity” into household surveys
Currently, indicators on ICT focus on internet and mobile access and usage– while these indicators are important, they do not…
Improving on femicide data collection across Europe
Closing the data gap on femicides and gender-based violence involves seeking innovations in both data production and data use. Existing…
Using heat maps to identify areas prone to GBV public spheres
Household surveys have the potential for impactful data visualizations. To understand levels of gender-based violence in Corregidora, Mexico, this solution…
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