Gender-Balanced Enumeration

Gender-Balanced Enumeration
Skillful factory woman worker do machine job in manufacturing workshop

What Are Cross-Domain Solutions?

Cross-domain solutions are solutions that may be relevant to more than one sector. A survey on political participation may, for example, collect data on women’s health and education. The solutions in this section are cross-sectoral methods of data collection that are not sector-specific. They can be applied in many sectors to complement or replace other methods of data collection.

Why Gender Diverse Enumerators Are Critical

For gender-sensitive modules in surveys, it is important to recruit and train women as enumerators in order to establish trust with the women responding within a household. This allows for more accurate data collection, as it may facilitate more transparent explanation of women’s experiences with violence, agency, and empowerment.

This allows for more accurate data collection, as it may facilitate more transparent explanation of women’s experiences with violence, agency, and empowerment.
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The Importance of Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

Capacity building is key to having an appropriately gender-balanced enumeration team, and technical assistance is essential to ensure that enumerators are properly trained with the right knowledge, tools, and technology to conduct relevant surveys.

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