Using the Gender Data Channel to understand funding flows for gender data
Understanding country needs, availability of resources and gaps of funding in support towards data and statistics require the development of…
Adopting the Inclusive Data Charter
Global charters with the emphasis on improving data can incentivize governments, NGOs, philanthropists and businesses in improving the quality of…
Following existing guidance notes for remote technical assistance for surveys
During the COVID-19 pandemic, surveyors faced barriers in data collection, as they were unable to interview households in person. To…
Developing and using the Laws on Violence against Women and Girls Index
To understand the severity of gender-based violence across the world, global indexes can provide such information from a comparative analysis….
Using existing toolkits to monitor sexual and reproductive health services during COVID-19
Toolkits are important in guiding healthcare practitioners in properly collecting data on healthcare services. In the context of the COVID-19…
Using a toolkit on gender-sensitive conflict analysis during peacebuilding
Gender should be taken into consideration in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Saferworld’s Facilitation Guide for Gender-sensitive Conflict Analysis (GSCA) can…
Using datasets on women’s participation in peace agreements
In peacekeeping scenarios, it is important to understand the participation of women in these processes. Uppsala University’s Peace Agreement dataset…
Collecting and using citizen generated data for gender-relevant SDG indicators
Civil society groups play an important role in monitoring the SDGs. Developed by UN Women, the Methodological Guidelines on using…
Improving data collection on violence against women in politics
Improving the collection and use of data on violence against women in politics (VAWP) will involve a concerted effort from…
Developing a harmonized survey on violence against women parliamentarians
Standardization and harmonization of data are essential to cross-country analyses on violence against women in politics. This solution developed by…
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