Data2X is co-hosting two virtual events during the 2021 UN World Data Forum. Register today!

Bridging the Gap for Gender Data
On October 4, Bridging the Gap: Forging Networks to Address Gender Data Gaps, co-hosted by Data2X and UN Women, will highlight the power of networks and multi-stakeholder partnerships to drive action on gender data—with specific attention to how they can generate technical, capacity building, networking, financing and data accessibility solutions.

Latest Trends in Big Data and Gender
On October 5, Data2X and the GovLab at NYU are co-hosting Digital Data for Gender Equality: The Next Generation. The event will explore the specific opportunities and insights big data can provide to advance gender equality and improve the lives of women and girls, with a focus on the critical next steps needed to make these insights actionable.
Register for the World Data Forum today to save your spot!
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