• Statistics

    The collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of numerical data. For example, the average age of girls in a particular school…

  • Data

    Factual information from which statistics are created.

  • Indicator

    The representation of statistical data for a specified time, place or any other relevant characteristic; measurement or gauge of events…

  • Index

    The compilation of individual indicators; ideal for measuring multi-dimensional concepts. For example, an index of women’s empowerment across the globe.

  • Sex-disaggregated data

    Data is that collected and tabulated separately for men and women. For example, primary school attendance rates for boys vs….

  • Gender statistics

    The sum of the following: a) data collected and presented by sex as a primary and overall classification; b) data…

  • National statistical system

    The ensemble of statistical organizations and units within a country that jointly collect, process, analyze and disseminate official statistics on…

  • National statistical office

    The leading statistical agency within a national statistical system.

  • Official statistics

    Statistics produced by government agencies such as national statistical office or other public bodies. For example, census data.

  • Unofficial (or nonofficial) statistics

    Unofficial statistics are those produced by actors other than the government, such as civil society.

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